Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Verbal 11 - Words and Phrases Confused - C

Words in C:

Cache / Cachet 
Cache comes from the French word "cacher", meaning "to hide" and in English, is pronounced exactly like the word "cash".
But speaking of a cache (hidden hoard of weapons, drugs etc.)
Often mispronounced to sound like cachet is a word with a very different meaning; it was originally a seal affixed to a document but now refers to the quality attributed to anything with authority or prestige. 

Callous / Callused
Calling someone callous is a way of metaphorically suggesting a lack of feeling similar to that caused by calluses on the skin; but if you are speaking literally of the tough build-up on a person's hand or feet, the word you need is callused.

Can / May
Can refers to one's ability.
May concerns whether one has permission.

Canon / Cannon
Canon is used for principles or rules and Cannon refers to a large piece of artillery.

Canvas / Canvass
Canvas refers to fabric. Canvass means examine, campaign fro election. 

Capital / Capitol
Capital means city; wealth.
Capitol means building.

Carat / Caret / Carrot / Karat
Carrots are those crunchy orange vegetables, but this spelling gets misused for the less familiar words which are pronounced the same but have very different meanings.
Precious stones like Diamonds are weighed in Carats. The same word is used to express the proportion of pure gold in an alloy, though in this usage, it is sometimes spelled Karats. Hence the abbreviation is 22K Gold.
A caret is a proofreader's mark showing where something needs to be inserted, shaped like a tiny pitched roof. It looks rather like a French circumflex, but is usually distinct from it on modern computer keyboards.
Carets are extensively used in Computer Programming - ^

Career / Careen 
Careening down the road is swerving from side to side, whereas career relates to your future, job etc.

Censor / Censure / Sensor
Censor refers to prohibit. 
Censure is harsh criticism. 
Sensor is the measuring device.

Cereal / Serial
Cereal is something you might eat for breakfast, such as porridge.
Serial is something in a series; something that continues after one another.

Choose / Chose
Choose is to select.
Chose is the past tense of choose.

Chunk / Chuck
Chunk is a big piece.
Chuck means to throw.

Cite / Site / Sight
Cite means to indicate.
A site is a place.
Sight is vision.

Click / Clique 
To click is to push a button, or switch; to emit or make a slight, sharp sound or a series of such sounds.
Clique is a small exclusive group of friends or associates.

Coarse / Course
Coarse is rough.
Course is way, path.

Collaborate / Corroborate
Collaborate means to work with someone.
Corroborate means to establish the truth of something.

Collage / College
You can paste together bits of paper to make a collage.
The institution of higher education is a college.

Come over / Overcome
Come over is a phrasal verb, that can mean several things. It can mean to move from one place to another or move towards someone.
Overcome is a verb which means to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something.

Compare / Contrast
You compare things like objects for both similarities and differences.
You contrast any two things like or alike by identifying dissimilarities.

Complement / Compliment
Complement means to make complete, to supplement.
Compliment means to praise.

Concentrate / Concentrated
When you concentrate (verb) you direct all your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem.
If something is concentrated, it means it has had some liquid removed.
The simple past of concentrate is concentrated and this is where the confusion may arise.

Connote / Denote
The literal meaning of the word is its denotation, the broader associations we have with the word are its connotations.

Conscience / Conscious / Consciousness
Conscience is Moral Sense. Our Conscience makes us feel  guilty when we do bad things.
Conscious is aware. If we are awake, we are conscious.
Consciousness is our awareness.

Consul / Council / Councilor / Counsel / Counselor
Consul is a diplomat to a foreign country.
Council refers to a group to discuss and take action on official matters.
A councilor is a member of such group.
Counsel is advice or to advise.
A counselor is an advisor.

Continual / Continuous
Continual means something that happens frequently with breaks between the occurrences.
Continuous means something that happens without stopping.

Convince / Persuade
We persuade people to act.
We convince when using proof to accept a belief. Hence, we usually are convinced something is true, but other try to persuade us to do something.

Cooperation / Corporation
Cooperation or Co-Operation means working together.
Corporation is a business organization.

Copyright / Copywrite
Copyright is the legal ownership of a book, film, play, piece of musical composition etc., or the right to print , publish, film, record or platform them.
Copywrite is something you do if you are creating advertising ir publicity material.

Core / Corps / Corpse
Apples have cores.
A corps is an organization like the Peace Corps.
A corpse is a dead body, a carcass.

Correspondence / Correspondents
Correspondence is written communication.
Correspondents are those who write it.

Creak / Creek
Creak is both a noun and a verb and means squeak or groan. For instance, rusty hinges and loose floorboards creak.
Creek is a noun and means a waterway or stream.

Credible / Creditable / Credulous
Credible means believable or trustworthy.
Creditable means praiseworthy or deserving credit.
Credulous is a rarer word meaning gullible - easily persuaded to believe something.

Crevice / Crevasse
Crevices are by definition tiny, like that little. Crevice between your teeth were the popcorn hulls always get caught.
A huge crack in a glacier is given the French spelling, crevasse.

Criteria / Criterion
Criterion is singular; Criteria is plural.
Criterion is in the case of single specification.
Criteria is in the case of more than one specification.

Cue / Queue
Cue has a variety of meanings like a clue or a play instrument as in a game of billiard, but all uses of queue relate to the original French meaning of tail which becomes a metaphor for a line.

Curb / Kerb
Curb means to control as in curb your temper.
Kerb is the edge of a footpath or sidewalk.

Currant / Current
Currant is a fruit, usually dried.
Current is an adjective which means contemporary or fashionable; as a noun it means stream or flow.

Cursor / Curser
Cursor is the computer marker.
Curser is the swearer. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Logical 21 - Coding and Decoding

Let's see the Coding and Decoding - Substitution.

Here, some particular words are assigned certain substituted names. Then a question is asked to be answered in the substituted code language.

Practice Questions:

Question 1:
If 'cook' is called 'butler', 'butler' is called 'manager', 'manager' is called 'teacher', 'teacher' is called 'clerk' and 'clerk' is called 'principal'. Who will teach in the class?
Clearly, a teacher teaches in a class and as given teacher is called ' clerk'. So, a Clerk will teach in the class. 

Question 2:
If 'diamond' is called 'gold', 'gold' is called 'silver', 'silver' is called 'ruby' and 'ruby' is called 'emerald', which is the cheapest jewel?
We know that silver is cheapest. But as given, silver is called as 'ruby'. So, Ruby is the cheapest. 

Question 3:
If 'eye' is called 'hand', 'hand' is called 'mouth', 'mouth' is called 'ear', 'ear' is called 'nose' and 'nose' is called 'tongue', with which of the following would a person hear?
A person hears with his ear. But, as per the given information, ear is called as 'nose'. So, a person will hear with his Nose. 

Question 4:
If 'white' is called 'blue', 'blue' is called 'red', 'red' is called 'yellow', 'yellow' is called 'green', 'green' is called 'black', 'black' is called 'violet' and 'violet' is called 'orange', what would be the color of human blood?
The color of the human blood is red, and as given, red is called 'yellow'. So, the color of the human blood is Yellow.

Question 5:
If 'oranges' are 'apples', 'bananas' are 'apricots', 'apples' are 'chillies', 'apricots' are 'oranges' and 'chillies' are 'bananas', then which of the following are green in color?
Chillies are green in color and as given, chillies are 'bananas'. So, Bananas are green in color. 

Time to Think:

If 'pen' is 'table', 'table' is fan, 'fan' is 'chair' and 'chair' is 'roof', on which of the following will a person sit?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Quants 21 - Stocks & Shares

Practice Questions:

Question 1:
The cash realized on selling a 14% stock at Rs. 106.25, brokerage being 1/4% is:
Cash realized = Rs. 106.25 - 0.25 = Rs. 106.

Question 2:
How many shares of market value of Rs. 25 each can be purchased for Rs. 12750, brokerage being 2%?
CP of each share = Rs. 25 + 2% of 25 = 25 + (2/100) * 25 = Rs. 25.50
Number of shares = 12750 / 25.50 = 500.

Question 3:
A man invests in a 16% stock at 128. The interest obtained by him is,
By investing Rs. 128, income derived = Rs. 16
By investing Rs. 100, income derived = Rs. 16/128  * 100 = Rs. 12.5.
So, interest obtained = 12.5%

Question 4:
The income derived from a Rs. 100, 13% stock at Rs. 105 is,
Income on Rs. 100 stock = Rs. 13

Question 5:
A man invested Rs. 4455 in Rs. 10 shares quoted at Rs. 8.25. If the rate of dividend be 12%, his annual income is,
Number of shares = 4455/8.25 = 540
Face value = 540 * 10 = 5400
Annual Income = 12/100 * 5400 = Rs. 648

Time to Think:

A man invested Rs. 14,400 in Rs. 100 shares of a company at 20% Premium. If the company declares 5% dividend at the end of the year, then how much does he get?

Answers Week 10

Quants 19 - Pipes and Cisterns
Two pipes can fill a cistern in 14 hours and 16 hours respectively. The pipes are opened simultaneously and it is found that due to leakage in the bottom it took 32 minutes more to fill the cistern. When the cistern is full, in what time will the leak empty it?
Work done by the two pipes in 1 hour = 1/14 + 1/16 = 15/112
Time taken by these pipes to fill the tank = 112/5 = 7 hours 28 hours
Due to leakage, time taken = 7 hours + 28 hours + 32 hours = 8 hours
Work done by two pipes + leak in 1 hour = 1/8
Work done by the leak in 1 hour = 15/112 - 1/8 = 1/112
Leak will empty the full cistern in 112 hours.

Logical 19 - Situation Reaction Test
While travelling in a train, you notice a man from the coach behind yours fall off the train. You would
a) pull the alarm chain so that the train may stop and the man may be helped
b) shout at the falling man asking him to get up quickly and entrain
c) jump off the train to assist the falling man
d) wait till the train stops at the next station and inform the railway authorities there

Clearly, the situation demands taking quick action to provide help to the victim which in turn necessitates that the train be stopped immediately. Hence, the answer is a.

Logical 20 - Ranking Test
If Atul finds that he is 12th from the right in a line of boys and 4th from the left, how many boys should be added to the line such that there are 28 boys in the line?
Number of boys in the line = 11 + 1 + 3 = 15
Number of boys to be added = 28 - 15 = 13.

Quants 20 - Stocks & Shares
The cost price of a Rs. 100 stock at 4 discount, when brokerage is 1/4% is:
Cost Price = Rs. (100 - 4 + 1/4) = Rs. 96.25

Quants 20 - Stocks & Shares

Key Points to Remember:

To start a big business or an industry, a large amount of money is needed. It is beyond the capacity of one or two persons to arrange such a huge amount. However, some persons associate together to form a company. They, then draft a proposal, issue a prospectus in the name of the company, explaining the plan of the project and invite the public to invest money in this project. Thus, they pool up the funds from the public, by assigning them shares of the company. 

Stock Capital - The total amount of money needed to run the company.
Shares or Stocks - The whole capital is divided into small units.
For each investment, the company issues a share certificate, showing the value of each share and the number of shares held by a person.
The person who subscribes in shares or stocks is called a share holder or a stock holder.
Dividend - The annual profit distributed among share holders. Dividend is paid annually as per share or as a percentage.
Face Value - The value of share or stock printed on the share - certificate is called Face value or Nominal value or Par value.
Market Value - The stocks of different companies are sold and bought in the open market through brokers at stock-exchanges. 
A share is said to be:
(i) At Premium or Above Par - if it's market value is more than it's face value.
(ii) At Par - if it's market value is same as the face value.
(iii) At Discount or Below Par - if it's market value is less than it's face value.
If a Rs. 100 stock is quoted at a premium of 16, then market value of the stock is 100 + 16 = 116.
If a Rs. 100 stock is quoted at a discount of 7, then market value of the stock is 100 - 7 = 93.
Brokerage - The Broker's charge.
When Stock is purchased, brokerage is added to the cost price.
When Stock is sold, brokerage is subtracted from the selling price.

The face value of the share always remains the same.
The market value of the share changes from time to time. 
Dividend is always paid on the face value of the share.
Number of shares held by a person = (Total Investment / Investment in 1 share) = (Total Income / Income from 1 share) = (Total Face Value / Face Value of 1 share)

Thus, by a Rs. 100, 9% stock at 120, we mean that,
Face Value of Stock - Rs. 100
Market Value of Stock - Rs. 120
Annual Dividend on 1 Share - 9% of Face Value = Rs. 9
An Investment of Rs. 120 gives an annual income of Rs. 9
Rate of Interest per annum = Annual Income from an investment of Rs. 100 = (9/120) * 100 = 7.5%

Practice Questions:

Question 1:
Find the cost of:
(i) Rs. 7200, 8% stock at 90.
(ii) Rs. 4500, 8.5% stock at 4 Premium.
(iii) Rs. 6400, 10% stock at 15 Discount.

(i) Cost of Rs. 100 stock = Rs. 90
Cost of Rs. 7200 stock = (90/100) * 7200 = Rs. 6480.

(ii) Cost of Rs. 100 stock = Rs. 100 + 4 = 104
Cost of Rs. 4500 stock = (104/100) * 4500 = Rs. 4680.

(iii) Cost of Rs. 100 stock = Rs. 100 - 15 = 85
Cost of Rs. 6400 stock = (85/100) * 6400 = Rs. 5440.

Question 2:
Find the cash required to purchase, Rs. 3200, 7.5% stock at 107 (Brokerage 1/2%).
Cash required to purchase Rs. 100 stock = Rs. 107 + 1/2 = Rs. 215/2
Cash required to purchase Rs. 3200 stock = Rs. 215/2 * 1/100 * 3200 = Rs. 3440.

Question 3:
Find the cash realized by selling Rs. 2400, 9.5% stock at 4 discount (Brokerage 1/4%).
By selling Rs. 100 stock, cash realized = Rs. (100 - 4) - 1/4 = 96 - 1/4 = 383/4
By selling Rs. 2400 stock, cash realized = Rs. (383/4) * (1/100) * 2400 = Rs. 2298.

Question 4:
Find the annual income derived from Rs. 2500, 8% stock at 106.
Income from Rs. 100 stock = Rs. 8
Income from Rs. 2500 stock = Rs. (8/100) * 2500 = Rs. 200.

Question 5:
Find the annual income derived by investing Rs. 6800 in 10% stock at 136.
By investing Rs. 136, income obtained = Rs. 10
By investing Rs. 6800, income obtained = Rs. 10/136 * 6800 = Rs. 500.

Time to Think:

The cost price of a Rs. 100 stock at 4 discount, when brokerage is 1/4% is:

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Logical 20 - Ranking Test

In this type of questions, generally the ranks of a person from the top and from the bottom are mentioned and the total number of persons is asked. However, sometimes, this question is put in the form of a puzzle of interchanging seats by two persons.

Practice Questions:

Question 1
Sam ranked ninth from the top and thirty-eighth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?
Number of students in the class = 8 + 1 + 37 = 46.

Question 2
In a row of boys, Jeevan is seventh from the start and eleventh from the end. In another row of boys, Vikas is tenth from the start and twelfth from the end. How many boys are there in both the rows together?
Boys in Jeevan row + Boys in Vikas row = Total boys 
(6 + 1 + 10) + (9 + 1 + 11) = 17 + 21 = 38.

Question 3
A class of boys stands in a single line. One boy is nineteenth in order from both the ends. How many boys are there in the class?
Number of boys in the class = 18 + 1 + 18 = 37.

Question 4
In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Kamal ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 girls ahead of Kamal, how many boys are after him in rank?
Let the number of boys be x. Then the number of girls is 2x.
x + 2x = 60; 3x = 60; x = 20
So, number of Boys = 20 and number of Girls = 40
Number of students behind Kamal in rank = 60 - 17 = 43
Number of girls ahead of Kamal in rank = 9
Number of girls behind Kamal in rank = 40 - 9 = 31
Thus, number of boys behind Kamal in rank = 43 - 31 = 12

Question 5
Ajay ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in it. How many boys were there in the class?
Number of boys who passed = 15 + 1 + 28 = 44
Total number of boys = 44 + 6 + 5 = 55.

Time to Think:

If Atul finds that he is 12th from the right in a line of boys and 4th from the left, how many boys should be added to the line such that there are 28 boys in the line?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Verbal 10 - Synonyms

Let's see the meanings for some of the rich words from the previous post.

1. dynamism the quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress.
2. contemporary - living or occurring at the same time.
3. ecstasy - an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
4. penury - extreme poverty.
5. agony - extreme physical or mental suffering.
6. anguish - severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
7. elation - great happiness and exhilaration.
8. capricious - given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
9. dormant - suspended or slowed down for a period of time
10. ardor - great enthusiasm or passion
11. corpulence - the state of being fat
12. languor - tiredness or inactivity
13. impertinence - lack of respect, rudeness
14. turbulence - sudden change in airflow
15. incarceration - imprisonment
16. incineration - the destruction of waste materials by burning
17. emphases - special importance
18. rhapsodic - expressing powerful feelings
19. eclectic - deriving ideas
20. refulgent - shining very brightly

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Logical 19 - Situation Reaction Test

This test is mainly to judge the ability to use the presence of mind to tackle a given situation which we come across any time in life. We must choose the best response which will present us as a good person or a sincere professional.

Practice Questions

Question 1
Your friends like smoking and influence you to do the same. You will
a) smoke only because your friends are smoking
b) refuse to smoke
c) smoke but only in presence
d) refuse and lie to them that you have asthma

Clearly, one should have a strong will-power so as not to yield to easy temptations and indulge in any activity that shall later prove to be harmful. Hence, answer is b. 

Question 2
Your maid has invited you to her daughter's wedding. You would
a) completely ignore her
b) attend the wedding
c) buy a gift for her daughter
d) congratulate her and make up some excuse for not being able to attend

Clearly, the situation demands helping the maid by contributing towards the wedding as much as one can. Hence, the answer is c. 

Question 3
If on a tough day, you are the only person available to handle the customers, you should
a) ask for additional help from the boss
b) just leave and go back home
c) just do your part of work
d) try and work to the maximum of your ability to satisfy customers

Clearly, an ideal professional is expected not to shirk his duties but to work hard and strive to satisfy his customers/clients. Hence, the answer is d. 

Question 4
When you get angry, you usually,
a) throw things
b) withdraw yourself and start crying
c) leave the situation and engage yourself in a different activity
d) None of these

The best mode to overcome anger is not to vent it on things or people around but to divert your mind to a different indulgence. Hence, the answer is c. 

Question 5
If you find yourself in a situation where you are required to make a power-point presentation and you are already bogged down by too much work, as the manager what would you do?
a) Take an alternative mode of presentation
b) Cancel the seminar and reschedule according to your convenience
c) Pass the buck to your subordinate, you are the boss, no one can question you
d) Prioritize your work and try to squeeze out time for it

A manager is one who has the expertise to manage tasks properly. So, it becomes his prime responsibility to rearrange his work schedule properly and work out the required time for the project rather than postpone it or hand it over to someone else. Hence, the answer is d. 

Time to Think

While travelling in a train, you notice a man from the coach behind yours fall off the train. You would
a) pull the alarm chain so that the train may stop and the man may be helped
b) shout at the falling man asking him to get up quickly and entrain
c) jump off the train to assist the falling man
d) wait till the train stops at the next station and inform the railway authorities there

Monday, October 22, 2018

Quants 19 - Pipes and Cisterns

Key Points to Remember:

Inlet - A pipe connected with a tank or a cistern or a reservoir, that fills it, is known as an inlet.
Outlet - A pipe connected with a tank or a cistern or a reservoir, emptying it, is known as an outlet.
If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours, then part filled in 1 hour = 1/x.
If a pipe can empty a full tank in y hours, then part emptied in 1 hour = 1/y.
If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another pipe can empty the full tank in y hours (where y > x), then on opening both the pipes, the net part filled in 1 hour = 1/x - 1/y.
If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and another pipe can empty the full tank in y hours (where x > y), then on opening both the pipes, the net part emptied in 1 hour = 1/y - 1/x.

Practice Questions:

Question 1
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 hours and 45 hours respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, how much time will be taken to fill the tank?
Part filled by A in 1 hour = 1/36 
Part filled by B in 1 hour = 1/45
Part filled by A and B in 1 hour = 1/36 + 1/45 = (5+4)/180 = 9/180 = 1/20
Hence, both the pipes together will fill the tank in 20 hours

Question 2
Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 hours and 12 hours respectively while a third pipe empties the full tank in 20 hours. If all the three pipes operate simultaneously, in how much time will the tank be filled?
Net part filled in 1 hour = 1/10 + 1/12 - 1/20 = (6+5-3) / 60 = 8/60 = 2/15
The tank will be full in 2/15 = 7 hours 30 minutes

Question 3
If two pipes function simultaneously, the reservoir will be filled in 12 hours. One pipe fills the reservoir in 10 hours faster than the other. How many hours does it take the second pipe to fill the reservoir?
Let the reservoir be filled by first pipe in x hours.
Then the second pipe will fill it in x+10 hours.
So, 1/x + 1/(x+10) = 1/12
x+10+x/x(x+10) = 1/12
2x+10 / x²+10x = 1/12
24x+120 =  x²+10x
x² - 14x - 120 = 0
(x-20)(x+6) = 0
So, x = 20.
The second pipe fills the reservoir in 30 hours.

Question 4
A cistern has two taps which fill it in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. There is also a waste pipe in the cistern. When all the three pipes are opened, the empty cistern is full in 20 minutes. How long will the waste pipe take to empty the full cistern?
Work done by waste pipe in 1 minute = 1/20 - (1/12 + 1/15) = 1/20 - (5+4 / 60) = 1/20 - 9/60 = 3-9 / 60 = -6/60 = -1/10 (-ve sign means emptying)
Waste pipe will empty the full cistern in 10 minutes.

Question 5
An electric pump can fill a tank in 3 hours. Because of a leak in the tank, it took 3.5 hours to fill the tank. If the tank is full, how much time will the leak take to empty it?
Work done by the leak in 1 hour = 1/3 - 1/(7/2) = 1/3 - 2/7 = 7-6 / 21 = 1/21
The leak will empty the tank in 21 hours.

Time to Think:
Two pipes can fill a cistern in 14 hours and 16 hours respectively. The pipes are opened simultaneously and it is found that due to leakage in the bottom it took 32 minutes more to fill the cistern. When the cistern is full, in what time will the leak empty it?

Friday, October 19, 2018

Special Occasion - Special Restart

My dear Aspirants,
       My heartfelt deep apologies for pausing this work of Aptitude. On this auspicious day of Vijayadhasami, a day of good start, let us restart and resume the work more energetically and vigorously. Let us have a good number of questions on this wonderful day. We have successfully completed 300 questions as of today and the past 9 weeks posts of our blog. Let's wait for our next milestone achievement of 100 posts and 1000 questions soon!!! :) Keep Supporting us!!! HAPPY VIJAYADHASAMI!!

If Neena says "Anitha's father Raman is the only son of my father-in-law Mahipal", then how is Bindhu, who is the sister of Anitha, related to Mahipal?
Only son of Neena's Father in Law Mahipal is Neena's Husband.
So, Raman is Neena's husband and Anitha & Bindhu are his daughters.
Thus, Bindhu is the grand - daughter of Mahipal.

A man leaves for his office from his house. He walks towards East. After moving a distance of 20m, he turns South and walks 10m. Then he walks 35m towards the West and further 5m towards the North. He then turns towards East and walks 15m. What is the straight distance in metres between his initial and final positions?

The movements of the man is shown in the above figure. Clearly, DC = AB + EF. F is also in the line of A. AF = (BC - DE) = 5m.
So, the man is 5m away from his initial position. 

The positions of how many digits in the number 321465987 will remain same when the digits are arranged in Ascending Order?
Original Number - 3 2 1 4 6 5 9 8 7
Ascending Order - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Clearly, the positions of 2, 4, 8 remain unaltered.

Aman is 16th from the left end in a row of boys and Vivek is 18th from the right end. Gagan is 11th from Aman towards the right and 3rd from Vivek towards the right end. How many boys are there in the row?

Vivek is 18th from the right end and Gagan is 3rd to the right of Vivek. So, Gagan is 15th from the right end. Thus, there are 15 boys to the left of Aman, 10 boys between Aman and Gagan and 14 boys to the left of Gagan. 
So, the number of boys in the row = 15 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 14 = 41

In a Cricket match, five batsmen A, B, C, D and E scored an average of 36 runs. D scored 5 more runs than E. E scored 8 fewer than A. B scored as many as D and E combined and B & C scored 107 runs between them. How many runs did E score?
Total runs scored = 36 * 5 = 180
Let the runs scored by E be x.
Runs scored by D = x + 5 
Runs scored by A = x + 8 ( E = A - 8 )
Runs scored by B = 2x + 5 (B = D + E )
Runs scored by C = 107 - B = 107 - 2x  - 5 = 102 - 2x
So, total runs, (x + 8) + (2x + 5 ) + (102 - 2x) + (x+5) + x = 180
3x + 120 = 180
3x = 60
x = 20
Runs scored by E is 20

Which would be the proper order of the following in Ascending Order?
Trillion, Thousand, Billion, Hundred, Million

Hundred, Thousand, Million, Billion, Trillion.

Find the relationship. (27, 9, 54), (42, 14, 84), (?, 7, 42)
We have, (27 + 54) / 9 = 9 and (42+84) / 14 = 9.
Hence, (x+42) / 7 = 9; x = 21

If in an Examination hall, you find that the question paper is too tough to be answered satisfactorily by you, the best thing to do for you is,
a) tell the examiner that the questions are out of course
b) provoke the candidates to walk out of the examination hall
c) try to know something from your neighbor
d) try to solve the questions as much as you know with a cool head

Clearly, an ideal student shall never be expected to create a row over such an issue or try to copy the answers. Also, a situation can best be tackled by not creating panic rather trying to solve it with a cool head. So, the answer is d.

Assertion (A) : Telephone wires sag more in Summer
Reason (R) : They expand due to Summer heat
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
e) Both A and R are false

The metal of telephone wires expands in Summer and the wires become loose. So, they sag. Hence, the answer is a.

Statement : Should Coal Engines be replaced by Electric Engines in Trains?
I. Yes. Coal Engines cause a lot of Pollution.
II. Yes. Electric Engines are good on performance, easy to operate and low on maintenance.
III. No. India does not produce enough electricity to fill its domestic needs also.

a) All are strong
b) Only I and II are strong
c) Only II and III are strong
d) Only I and III are strong
e) Only I is strong

Clearly, electric engines shall be smoke-free and thus not cause pollution as the coal engines. They also run at higher speeds and perform better. Thus, both I and II hold strong. Argument III does not provide a convincing reason and hence does not hold strong. So, the answer is b.

__________, the more they remain the same.
a) The more the merrier
b) The less the dynamism
c) The more things change
d) The more pronounced the transformation

The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what __________.
a) he makes out of it
b) he gets for others
c) he has overcome through it
d) he becomes by it

Though one eye is kept firmly on the __________, the Company now also promotes __________ contemporary art.
a) present, experimental
b) future, popular
c) present, popular
d) market, popular

__________ and ecstasy are the two sides of a puzzle called life. 
a) Pain
b) Penury
c) Agony
d) Anguish
e) Elation

A __________ of fresh air relaxes a tense mind.
a) breathe
b) volley
c) gulp
d) breath
e) brush

Because Raj is so __________, we can never predict what he will do at any moment.
a) old
b) immature
c) capricious
d) lazy
e) dormant

Greg Chappell was impressed by the __________ of the youthful Railways team.
a) ardor
b) corpulence
c) languor
d) impertinence
e) turbulence

The story of the novel, The Deranged, is very __________. It shows how a man cut off from the world for a long time becomes a mad man
a) absorbing
b) irritating
c) controversial
d) useless
e) derived

A careful __________ of the premises revealed some useful clues.
a) autopsy
b) incarceration
c) examination
d) incineration
e) emphases

Raman's __________ record collection included everything from Bach to rock.
a) effusive
b) raphsodic
c) eclectic
d) inherent
e) refulgent

A third of Arul's mark in Mathematics exceeds a half of his marks in English by 30. If he got 240 marks in the two subjects together, how many marks did he get in English?
Let the Math and English marks be x and y respectively.
1/3x -1/2y = 30
(2x - 3y) / 6 = 30
2x - 3y = 180  ----- (1)
x + y = 240 -------- (2)

Solving 1 and 2,
x = 180.
So, English Marks y = 240 - 180 = 60.

If 4/5 of an estate be worth Rs. 16,800, then the value of 3/7 of the estate is _______.
4/5x = 16800
x = 16800 * 5/4 = 21000
3/7x = 3/7 * 21000 = 9000

The sum of three consecutive multiples of 3 is 72. What is the largest number?
Let the three numbers be x, 3x+3 and 3x+6 respectively.
3x + 3x+3 + 3x+6 = 72
9x + 9 = 72
9x = 63
So, the largest number is 3x + 6 = 21 + 6 = 27.

My brother is three years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then what was the age of my father and mother respectively when my brother was born?
Clearly, my brother was 3 years before when I was born and 4 years after my Sister was born. So, father's age when brother was born = 28 + 4 = 32 years and
mother's age when brother was born = 26 - 3 = 23 years

A salesman's commission is 5% on all sales upto Rs. 10,000 and 4% on all sales exceeding this. He remits Rs. 31,100 to his parent company after deducting his commission. Find the total sales. 
Let the total sales be .
Total Sales - Commission = 31100
x - 5% of 10000 + 4% of (x-10000) = 31100
x - [(5/100 * 10000) + (4/100 (x-10000)) ]= 31100
x - 500 - x/25 + 400 = 31100
x - x/25 = 31200
( 25x - x ) / 25 = 31200
24x = 780000
x = 32,500

After getting two successive discounts, a shirt with a list price of Rs. 150 is available at Rs. 105. If the second discount is 12.5%, find the first discount. 
Let the first discount be x%.
Then 87.5% of (100-x)% of 150 = 105
87.5/100 * (100-x / 100) * 150 = 105
100 - x = (105 * 100 * 100) / (87.5*150)
100 - x = 80
x = 20
The first discount is 20%.

A, B and C enter into partnership. A invests 3 times as much as B invests and B invests two third of what C invests. At the end of the year, the profit earned is Rs. 6600. What is the share of B?
Let C's capital be x. Then B's capital is 2/3x.
A's capital is 3 * 2/3x = 2x
Ratio of capitals = 2 : 2/3 : 1 = 6 : 2 : 3
So, B's share = 2/ 11 * 6600 = Rs. 1200.

If 15 men, working 9 hours a day, can reap a field in 16 days. In how many days will 18 men reap the field, working 8 hours a day?
Let the number of days be x.
More men, less days ----- Indirect Proportion
Less hours per day, more days ----- Indirect Proportion
Men :: Hours :: (Days)
18 : 15 :: 8 : 9 :: (16 : x)
18 * 8 * x = 15 * 9 * 16
x = 15 * 9 * 16 / ( 18 * 8)
x = 15 days.

A man can row upstream at 7kmph and downstream at 10kmph. Find man's rate in still water and rate of current.
Rate in still water = 1/2 (10 + 7) = 17/2 = 8.5kmph
Rate of current = 1/2 ( 10 - 7) = 3/2 = 1.5kmph

The perimeters of two squares are 40cm and 32cm. Find the perimeter of a third square whose area is equal to the difference of the areas of the two squares.
Side of 1st square = 40/4 = 10cm
Side of 2nd square = 32/4 = 8cm
Area of third square = 100 - 64 = 36cm²
Side of the third square = √36 = 6cm
Perimeter of the third square = 6 * 4 = 24cm.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Answers Week 9

Logical 14 - Quantitative Reasoning:
A man would like to take a new health insurance. An officer taking care of these matters says to the man, “Please tell me how many children you have.” The man answers, “I have three of them.” The officer, “What are the ages of your children?” The man answers, “The product of the ages is equal to 36.” The officer replies, “This is not enough information Sir!”; the man replied, “Sorry that I was a little bit unclear, but the sum of the ages is equal to the number of shops in front of your office.” The officer: “This still isn’t enough information Sir!”; The man replies, “My oldest child loves chocolate.” The officer: “Thanks for your cooperation, I now know the ages.” Are you as smart as the officer? Then give the sum of the ages of the children.
a. 13 
b. 22
c. 36
d. 38

The product of the ages is 36. Using this one can make the following combination of ages:
1, 36, 1 sum = 38
1, 18, 2 sum = 22
1, 12, 3 sum = 16
1, 9, 4 sum = 14
1, 6, 6 sum = 13
2, 9, 2 sum = 13
2, 6, 3 sum = 11
3, 3, 4 sum = 10
After the man had said that the product of the ages is equal to 36, the officer didn’t have enough information. Then he was told that the sum is equal to number of shops in front of the office. He replied by saying that this still isn’t enough information. So the sum of the ages should be 13, because otherwise he would have known the ages immediately. The last statement is that that the oldest child loves chocolate. So there is an oldest child. Hence the officer concludes that the ages of the children are 2, 2 and 9 years.

Hence option (3) is the correct answer.

Quants 17 - Percentage
Ram sells his goods 25% cheaper than Shyam and 25% dearer than Bram. How much percentage is Bram’s goods cheaper than Shyam’s?

Assume Ram as 100. Shyam will be 133.33 and Bram will be 80
Thus, Bram’s goods are 40% cheaper than Shyam’s (53.33/133.33)

Quants 18 - Profit and Loss
A cellular phone when sold for ` 4600 fetches a profit of 15%. Find the cost price of the cellular phone.

Selling Price = 4600
Profit = 15%
Cost Price = ?
1.15 × CP = 4600
CP = 4600 / 1.15 = 4000.

Logical 18 - Puzzle Test
There are six persons - A, B, C, D, E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. D's optional subject was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics as one of their subjects. F's compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A's subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects, they are just reverse of those of D's. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. 

1. What is C's compulsory subject?
a) History   b) Physics   c) Chemistry   d) English   e) Mathematics

2. Who is the female member in the group?
a) A     b) B     c) C     d) D     e) E

3. Which of the following has same compulsory and optional subjects as those of F's?
a) D     b) B     c) A     d) C     e) None of these

4. Disregarding which is the compulsory and which is optional subject, who has the same two subject combination as F?
a) A     b) B     c) E     d) D     e) None of these

5. Which of the following groups has History as the compulsory subject?
a) A, C, D    b) B, C, D    c) C, D    d) A, B, C    e) A, D

The given information can be analyzed as follows:


F's Compulsory subject is Mathematics. F has Physics as one of the subjects. So, Physics is the Optional subject of F.
E has Mathematics as optional and Physics as one subject. So, Physics is the compulsory subject of E. 
A and D have the same subjects - History and English. D has History as Optional Subject and so, English is the compulsory subject of D. Subjects of A and D are reverse in regard of optional and compulsory. So, A has History as compulsory and English as optional. 
Chemistry is the optional subject of only one teacher. So, it is the optional subject of B, which only remains. We know that History is the compulsory subject of three teachers. So, it is compulsory for A, B and C.
D is the teacher having English as her compulsory subject. So, D is the only female teacher.

1. C's compulsory subject is History. So, the answer is (a).
2. D is the only female teacher. So, the answer is (d).
3. E has same subjects as those of F but the compulsory and optional subjects of E are reverse as thos of F. So, the answer is (e).
4. Clearly, E has the same subject combination as that of F. So, the answer is (e).
5. A, B and C has History as their compulsory subjects. So, the answer is (d).

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Logical 18 - Puzzle Test

Key Points to Remember:

Puzzle Test is of Analytical Reasoning comprising of questions in the form of puzzles involving certain number of items. We have to analyze the given information, condense it in a suitable form and answer the questions asked.
The various types are:
  1. Classification Type Questions
  2. Seating / Placing Arrangements
  3. Comparison Type Questions
  4. Sequential Order of Things
  5. Selection Based on Given Conditions
  6. Family - Based Problems
  7. Jumbled Problems
Let's see some Classification questions here. This type of questions in which certain items belonging to different groups or possessing different qualities are  given along with some clues with the help of which we have to group and analyze the given items and answer the questions accordingly. 

Question Set 1:

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
  • B and E are good in Dramatics and Computer Science.
  • A and B are good in Computer Science and Physics.
  • A, D and C are good in Physics and Mathematics.
  • C and A are good in Physics and Mathematics.
  • D and E are good in History and Dramatics.
1. Who is good in Physics, History and Dramatics?
a) A     b) B     c) D     d) E

2. Who is good in Physics, History and Mathematics, but not in Computer science?
a) A     b) B     c) C     d) D

3. Who is good in Computer Science, History and Dramatics?
a) A     b) B     c) C     d) E

4. Who is good in History, Physics and Computer Science?
a) A     b) B     c) C     d) D

5. Who is good in Physics, Dramatics and Computer Science?
a) A     b) B     c) C     d) E


Computer Science








The given information have been analyzed and the details furnished are in the table.

1. D is good in Physics, History and Dramatics. So, the answer is (c).
2. Both A and C are good in Physics, History and Mathematics. But, A is good in Computer Science, while C is not. So, the answer is (c).
3. E is good in Computer Science, History and Dramatics. So, the answer is (d).
4. A is good in History, Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics. So, the answer is (a).
5. B is good in Physics, Dramatics and Computer Science. So, the answer is (b).

Question Set 2

  • Five Friends P, Q, R, S and T traveled to five different cities of Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad by different modes of transport of Bus, Train, Aeroplane, Car and Boat from Mumbai.
  • The person who traveled to Delhi did not travel by Boat.
  • R went to Bangalore by Car and Q went to Kolkata by Aeroplane.
  • S traveled by Boat whereas T traveled by Train.
  • Mumbai is not connected by Bus to Delhi and Chennai. 
1. Which of the following combinations of person and mode is not correct?
a) P - Bus
b) Q - Aeroplane
c) R - Car
d) S - Boat
e) T - Aeroplane

2. Which of the following combinations is true for S?
a) Delhi - Bus
b) Chennai - Bus
c) Chennai - Boat
d) Data Inadequate
e) None of these

3. Which of the following combinations of place and mode is not correct?
a) Delhi - Bus
b) Kolkata - Aeroplane
c) Bangalore - Car
d) Chennai - Boat
e) Hyderabad - Bus

4. The person traveling to Delhi went by which of the following modes?
a) Bus
b) Train
c) Aeroplane
d) Car
e) Boat

5. Who among the following traveled to Delhi?
a) R 
b) S
c) T
d) Data Inadequate
e) None of these 


The given information can be analyzed as follows:

Mode of Transport - R travels by Car, Q by Aeroplane, S by Boat and T by Train. So, P only remains. And P travels by Bus.
Place of Travel - R goes to Bangalore, Q to Kolkata, No Bus Transport for Delhi and Chennai. So, P who travels by Bus, goes to Hyderabad. S travels by Boat and not to Delhi. So, he goes to Chennai. And T goes to Delhi, the final one. 


1. Clearly, the incorrect combination is T - Aeroplane. So, the answer is (c).
2. Clearly, the correct combination is S - Chennai. So, the answer is (c).
3. Clearly, the incorrect combination is Delhi - Bus. So, the answer is (a).
4. Clearly, T traveled by Train to Delhi. So, the answer is (b).
5. Clearly, T traveled to Delhi. So, the answer is (c).

Time to Think:

There are six persons - A, B, C, D, E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject. D's optional subject was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics as one of their subjects. F's compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A's subjects but in terms of compulsory and optional subjects, they are just reverse of those of D's. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject. 

1. What is C's compulsory subject?
a) History   b) Physics   c) Chemistry   d) English   e) Mathematics

2. Who is the female member in the group?
a) A     b) B     c) C     d) D     e) E

3. Which of the following has same compulsory and optional subjects as those of F's?
a) D     b) B     c) A     d) C     e) None of these

4. Disregarding which is the compulsory and which is optional subject, who has the same two subject combination as F?
a) A     b) B     c) E     d) D     e) None of these

5. Which of the following groups has History as the compulsory subject?
a) A, C, D    b) B, C, D    c) C, D    d) A, B, C    e) A, D