Monday, June 18, 2018

Verbal 6 - English Words of Foreign Origin

Celtic Words

Banshee - Irish fairy with a wail portending death
Plaid - long cloak or shawl
Shamrock - lover leaf especially an Irish emblem
Vassal - dependent
Gravel - small stones; coarse sand
Truant - one absent without a leave
Galore - in plenty
Colleen - young Irish girl
Blarney - flattering talk
Bog - soft, wet ground
Brogue - stout shoe; Irish accent
Lawn - stretch of grass in garden; fine linen
Crag - steep, rugged rock
Quay - dock
Loch - lake
Gull - aquatic bird
Javelin - light spear
Tory - member of conservative party in England
Clan - group of families
Glengarry - a small brimless hat

Arabic Words

Camphor - strong smelling ketone
Alchemy - magic, art of converting metal into gold
Garble -  mix-up
Henna - dye
Tarragon - spice
Saffron - orange / yellow spice
Lute - stringed instrument
Bedouin - member of nomadic Arabic race
Fakir - member of Islamic religious order, ascetic
Sequin - small ornamental stars to be stitched on clothes
Sherbet - flavored drink
Sultan - ruler of Muslimkingdom
Zenith - highest point
Nadir - lowest point
Muezzin - crier, who summons Muslims to prayer
Minaret - tall, slender tower of Mosque yearly calendar
Almanac - yearly calendar
Amber - yellowish, translucent fossil resin
Alcove - recess
Algebra - method of calculating
Carafe - decanter
Harem - women's dwelling, one man's wives
Carat - small weight used to measure gold, etc.
Cipher - secret writing
Civet - strong, musky perfume
Emir - an independent Islamic ruler
Cotton - thread or cloth made from this plant's seed
Elixir - medicine or remedy, used by alchemists
Monsoon - heavy rainfall season, rainy season
Ream - large bundles of paper

French Words

Bouillon - Thin soup
Praline - nut candy
Potage - thick soup
Absinthe - green, flavored liquid
Cuisine - style of cooking
Cassarole - covered baking dish
Nougat - type of candy
Croquette - patty of cooked meat or fish
Flambe - pour alcoholic drink on food and ignite
Liqueur - flavored alcoholic liquid
Tureen - serving dish for soup
Gourmet - connoisseur of wine, food etc.
Gourmand - glutton
Blacmange - jelly-like dessert made with milk
Serviette - table-napkin
Burlesque - ludicrous parody
Marquee - Sign used in theatre
Roulette - game of chance
Piroutte - to whirl on one foot
Silhoutte - outline of object against light
Nuance - delicate shade of differences
Precis - abstract, summary
Vignette - design on a book page
Critique - critical essay
Coteria - social clique, exclusive group
Connoisseur - critical expert of matters of art
Belles-letters - aesthetic writings
Memories - reward of events, autobiography
Bon mot - clever saying
Repartee - witty talk
rapport - harmony
Idee fixe - obsession
Bourgeois - middle class
Charlatan - faker, quack
Faux pas - social blunder
Genteel - element refined
Largesse - generosity
Gauche - socially inept
Nonchalance - indifferent
Raconteur - eexpert storyteller
Avant-garde - in advance
Milieu - environment
Tete-a-tete - private conversation
Vis-à-vis - regarding, in relation to
Outre - bizarre
Passe - out of date
Liaison - connection
Rendezvous - meeting place, appointment
Joie-de vivre - enjoyment of life
Eclat - success
Savoir - fair
Boulevard - broad avenue in a city
Salon - a shop of fashion, drawing room
Chateau - castle
Façade - front of a building
Chaise - light, open carriage
Bureau - office disk
Concierge - doorman
Melee - a mixed fight or crowd
Terrain - area of ground
Saboteur - damage closer especially secretly
Aide-de-camp - military officer personality assisting superior
Chausseur - driver
Espionage - use of spice
Ricochet - rebound (of bullet)
Envoy - official representative
Bivouac - temporary camp of soldiers
Espirit de corps - feelings of pride in belonging to a group
Despot - a tyrant or absolute ruler
Commandant - officer in command

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